Brochures, Ad campaigns, Guides, Signage
SPU offers a wealth of information to help consumers become knowledgable regarding financial assistance, side sewer responsibilities, service repairs and much more. As an on-call graphic designer, I am able to help SPU navigate production methods as well as offering creative input.
Financial Assistance Program: A social media campaign to promote awareness
Financial Assistance Program: A buck slip and more social media ads
Brochures: A water shut off announcement with icons and the Trees for Seattle program ‘How to Stake a Tree’
SPU Front Line Hero stickers created to appreciate the SPU workers who were on the job during the height of the pandemic
Folding brochure for multi-lingual residents that describes how to care for the side sewer of their home
A sandwich board to be used where contaminated water requires a closure for public safety
Forms! Who doesn’t need them? Having a legible, clean-looking survey can incite even the stodgiest person to participate